We all have our own blogging journey. Some days we feel excited and hopeful and on some days we feel like we are loosing all hope. You know what I'm talking about.
I've been blogging for only 5 months. I have 23 blog posts, 12 of which are about arts & crafts for homeschooling since this is my niche. I average of 35-50 views on my other blogs (Parenting & Faith) and have made a total of about $15.00 from affiliate links and my own products. This is NOTHING and it's hard to stay motivated.

The good news is that there are a lot of those who had gone before us and are making a difference in their lives. For whatever reason you are choosing to blog, you need to know that the journey will be hard. There will be many tears and ups and downs. We need to be humble and learn from the examples of others who worked hard to get to where they are.
Here are 4 of my favorite quotes from bloggers and writers that keep me motivated to keep going.

I love this quote from Ruth Soukup's book, How to Blog for Profit without Selling your Soul. It's hard not to compare ourselves with successful people. We look at our own blogs and wonder will we ever get there? This quote reminds me everyday that they were where we are right now at some point. They cried, felt hopeless and lost ideas just like us. We need to embrace our own beginnings.

In his book, Good to Great, Jim Collins shared what he and his team found out after doing years of research as to what made companies good to great. This is not a specific book for blogging but he did share a lot of wisdom on what it takes to be successful in business. I love this quote because it reminds me that I have a choice. What happens to my blog or website is totally up to me. I can CHOOSE to work hard and do whatever it takes to be successful or I could CHOOSE to be mediocre. To be great at what we do IS a matter of CONSCIOUS choice!

As a blogger who intends to make it a full time job, It's really easy to beat ourselves up to what we weren't able to accomplish in a day. Most of us right now, can't make blogging a full-time job. Some of you still have your jobs or some of you are moms like I am. It's hard to get everything done when we have so much on our plates. it's easy to feel down when we only accomplish so little for our websites. This quote from Crystal Paine's book, Money Making Mom, reminds me to celebrate each step I take everyday no matter how small it may seem.

Writing can be overwhelming. A lot of times, it's hard to come up with right words, the right theme and the right ideas. Writing can be intimidating, especially if you've never taken a writing course. Anne Handley's book, Everybody Writes, is an awesome book to read for bloggers. She's very encouraging and she gave a lot of great points to become a better writer. This quote reminds me everyday to show up. She said in this book, "Don't write a lot. Just write often."
Wherever you are in your blogging journey, keep going, keep writing. May these quotes encourage you to become the best blogger you intend to be.