My kids wanted to do arts and crafts today. I haven't gone to the store yet to buy new craft supplies and so I panicked a little bit. I didn't know what to do to entertain them. So at first, I thought of something simple that I used to do as a kid. Tracing leaves! Easy peasy and free. I asked them to go outside and get different kinds of leaves that we could "magically trace".

This was easy and fun. You just place the leaf on the back of the paper and color. My preschooler and Kindergartener loved it. My 4th grader not so much. We had good fun for about 2 minutes!!! That was it. 2 minutes!!! We even used different colors to make it more fun.

They wanted to do more and so I had to think fast. Where can I get "art" supplies???? The cupboard!!! I looked in the cupboard to see what dry food items we could use to make something. And there it is... it dawned on me..... Spaghetti noodles! We could use spaghetti noodles to make something. Then, I found lentils. I'm sure we could use that as well.
The original thought was to make leaves since we were tracing leaves already. I wanted to stay with the theme and somehow make it educational.
The one on the left is mine. I used the noodles to create the outside border and veins of the leaf. Then I used the lentils for the blade. The one on the right is my daughter's. She didn't want to copy my idea of using the noodles as the veins but used the lentils instead. I love that about her! She likes to create her own.
You could make this into a science lesson by studying the parts of the leaf. Here are some great sites you could use:
You could also use this video to make it even more fun and memorable.
My preschooler though had a great idea all on his own. He wanted to make a house instead of a leaf. I suggested the road and chimney part.

My 4th grader combined my idea and his brother's.

There are so many options you could do using spaghetti noodles for arts and crafts. You could do shapes, trees, bugs, etc.
We had so much fun and it entertained them for about an hour. Even I had fun making it:)
Running out of ideas for craft day today??? Get spaghetti in your cupboard now!
Happy Homeschooling!!!!